Friday 19 November 2010

10 Horror Films and their certificates.

1. The Unborn - Certificate 15
2. The Omen - Certificate 18
3. Nightmare On Elm Street - Certificate 18
4. Paranormal Activity - Certificate 15
5. Scream - Certificate 18
6. Orphan - Cerficate 15
7. Saw - Certificate 18
8. The Last Exorcism - Certificate 15
9. Devil - Certificate 15
10. Halloween - Certificate 18

The most common certificate for these horror films is both 15 and 18, with 5 each.

Certificate 15 - All classification decisions are based on the BBFC’s published and regularly updated Guidelines. The Guidelines are the product of extensive public consultation, research and the accumulated experience of the BBFC over many years. They reflect current views on film, DVD and video game regulation.
In the most recent consultation over 8700 members of the public were asked for their views on classification – including consideration of issues such as language, discrimination, violence, sex and drugs in films, DVDs and video games, parental concerns about younger viewers and recent BBFC decisions. The Guidelines also take into account the various UK laws which the BBFC must consider and apply when making classification decisions.

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