Friday 11 February 2011

Light design sheet

This is an estimate of how we are planning on setting up our lighting and where everyone is going to be, on this sheet we have also made lighting notes for example, position, equipment needed, desired effect and the use of shadow to know what or where we need to put the lighting and where people will be positioned. 

Sample Clip

This is a short sample clip of our horror film that we will be presenting to the class to show our progress, we will ask for feed back from the class which will help us to develop and help our film ideas.

Friday 4 February 2011

Horror soundtrack test

We created a soundtrack test for our film as we wanted to see what would be best suited to our film and just to give the idea on how to make it an what we could use to create the soundtrack to our film and making sure that we don't use the typical sounds and that we can create something much more unique. 

This week we have tried to develop and create our soundtrack for our horror film as we didn't want to leave it to the last minute and not knowing what we were going to do. We found it quite hard as we thought some music was going to be alright but it didn't suit the scene or the story line meaning. 

Media Equipment loans

This shows what equipment we are going to be using to make our horror film. We are using this equipment to make it to the best of our ability and make it look effective with a good use of camera work. The equipment we are using are a camera, tripod, strobe light and torches. 

Production Schedule.

This is the production Schedule and as you can see on the casting list we have taken someone out as she was not prepared to do the acting as the main girl so we had to ask someone else which was fine as micaela who is our main girl now has agreed to do it for us. You can see that we have ticked everything off on the production checklist which means we are up to date and are in a good place to do our final shooting. 

Location and equipment list.

This shows that we have thought about what and when we are filming and that we have worked together to organize a time and place that we are willing to stick to. We have 3 different locations an Alleyway, Garage and Doorway. We chose these as they are airy places that will make our film more affective and places we can associate with a horror film. When we thought about our locations we then had to think about our lighting, make-up, costumes and microphone. We thought about this to fit our story line and location to make it to the best of our ability and fit in with the genre of horror. With lighting we had to make sure the place was lit enough so we could see our characters and it wasn't too dark. 

Shot list

This shots list will help us to structure our film and allows us to see how long our film is going to be, it also shows what position and angle the camera needs to be for each different shot. This adds up to the recommended time that is needed for our horror film which is two minutes.

Title Research

This is title research, which basically helps us to choose effective titles for our horror film, we had to look at 3 different film titles and analyze what we liked and didn't like, so we can see which would be the most effective and scary.

Test shot/ Character Design

This is establishing symbolizes what our character is going to look like in our story line (right). We chose this as it associated with the genre horror as it scary looking and the gore of the cuts and blood. the audience don't expect it. we have used different colours on her face to create the affect of bruising and blood. 

Storyboard sheet

These storyboard sheets allow us to visually plan our horror film step by step, they make sure everything is in the correct order and shows the shot type as well as the picture, this allows us to have structure. At the bottom of the sheet it says 'total time' which helps us to see how long each section is going to be and improves time management.