Friday, 21 January 2011

Recee Sheet

These are our Recee sheet which example where and how our location is going be and as you can see we have two different locations in our film which is an alley way and garage, which you can see the picture below are where w are going to film and they are very accessible as we don't need permission to used them and there is some noise but it will add to the factor of making our horror film much more realistic. 

Film outline

The film outline helps us to structure our horror film as it tells us what is going to happen and the camera angle that goes along with it. for example as the girl is blinking, there is a POV shot.

Step outline

This step outline shows what our film will consist of and what each different scene is going to be about and the order that it will follow in, including where our titles will be etc. We also made notes to make it more understandable and clear, it also allowed us to go into more depth about what is in each scene. 

Release form

This form is basically the groups contact details, which is essential for communication within the group, we also have to sign the form to say that we give permission to the media and film department to use any of our work.

Health and safety

This sheet is a safety guidelines that we have to stand by, like using fake guns and knives if needed, we also had to specify if we will be using any dangerous props and then sign the sheet as well as our teacher.

Pitch material

This shows our pitch outline and was the plan of what our pitch was going to consist of. It talks about the story line, what our film was about with beginning middle and end, what previous films we got ideas from and our target audience which is what we were going to aim our film at and what it was suitable for. 

Mind map

This is a mind map showing all our initial ideas for our horror film, showing target audience, gender, costumes etc; for example the film we can relate ours to are Scream, Saw, Shutter Island, Phone Booth.

Narrative research

in class we watched and analysed the different films and what is the strengths and the limitations about them, we took different things from them to see if we could use them in our film. 

Textual analysis grids

This is showing each of our research on a horror film of our choice in which we were going to analyze, this allowed us to give us an idea for our own film. 

Monday, 10 January 2011


This is our powerpoint presentation which we have described our film that we are going to make in a few slides, we have made a few changes to make sure our film is more horrific and that it will grab you (the audience) from the start to finish. When we showed this to our peers we were told that we need to make the film more like a horror film as it needed more 'gore' in it so that it would suit our certificate of 15. Hope you understand everything that is in our presentation which will create our horror film. 

This week we have shown our powerpoint and got feedback from our peers and got our folder up to date and scanned them onto the blog so that people can see our progress. We have found that the feedback that we have been given has helped a lot to change and develop our ideas for our horror film.